Takashi was having the nicest dream, sleeping in a serene field with no worries, no pressure, no frantic scrambling to pay the bills. No work either, just a nice, relaxing nap, yes it was a dream come true. And so he stayed like that until noises far to loud to ignore pierced his bleary mind. He sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Who's coming?" He looked around, seeing mostly people he recognized from his college. Some he had a few brief conversations with, others he only knew because he made it a point to avoid them like the plague. He looked over at the the monsters, they were eerie, like they just weren't natural, that itself was enough to make Takashi think they were dangerous. And they were now slowly closing in, Takashi's Kendo training kicked in, and his mind started making judgements on how best to disable them. His other hand found the cool, metallic surface of the gun object that the voice had told him about. Takashi eyed the device a moment, however his attention was pulled to one of the more awake and active people screeching about how the so called guns wouldn't fire. So, with that in mind and the the monsters coming ever closer Takashi pocketed the 'gun' and charged towards the creature that was nearing the blind guy and the screeching girl, he ran right up to it, using his momentum to deliver a fierce sweep with his leg knocking the monster off it's feet. "Are you guys all right?" He asked the two, taking a defensive stance.