Anwen couldn't help but stifle a giggle with her hand as she made it to the end of the second story hallway and looked around. There were tons of doors that she could have gone and hidden in, but she wanted to go to the attic. She wondered where on earth the stairs or ladder to it would be, so she entered the door on her right and slowly closed it behind her to eliminate any noise to hint at where she had hidden. When she turned and looked at the room, she felt her hair stand on end and a shiver run down her spine. It seemed as if there were silhouettes of people scattered at the other end of the room, and she nearly yelped with fear--but then she realized that they were simply fitting mannequins for homemade clothing. Her mother had once bought a few and attempted to make a dress for her, but she'd been too sick to ever finish it. [i]Mama will be able to do the things she loves soon... that's what Papa said, anyways...[/i] She thought to herself in order to keep herself from tearing up at the thought of losing her mother. She then noticed that there was a ladder beside one of the mannequins, leading to a hole in the ceiling that she assumed would be the attic. With a small grin, she dashed up to the ladder and took a couple of steps up onto it, making sure that it wouldn't break under her weight, but it seemed surprisingly sturdy. With an excited chortle, she climbed cautiously up the ladder and hoisted herself into the attic. There were tons of large boxes that she could hide behind, but there was one thing at the end of the room, right in front of the surprisingly large window. The object was tall and rounded at the top, covered in a large dust-coated sheet that may have been white once upon a time. She slowly made her way towards it and pulled down the sheet, revealing a large mirror. Her eyes grew large as she gazed into its brilliant, and clean, surface. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought that she saw a figure behind her, but when she turned around, she realized that it may have been a figment of her imagination. Crawling behind the mirror, she gazed out the dirty window and wrapped the sheet around her shivering shoulders. In a way, she hoped that the seeker would find her sooner rather than later. There was a presence lurking in this house... and she couldn't tell if it were friendly or not.