"No, Mom, I do [i]not[/i] wanna test that out!" Mina had returned from feeding the cattle, part of her several daily rituals on the ranch her family owned. Of course, her mom had other issues, mostly being fitting Mina in a pink-studded cowgirl getup. Barely avoiding "Strifing" with her mom, she made her way up the stairs and into her room, locking the door behind her. Peace and quiet at last. Mina's room was filled with a strange sort of knick-knacks, mostly being country music memorabillia. A Blake Shelton poster, as much as she would deny it to anyone who asked, hung over her bed. Scooting over to her bed and sitting on it with her legs crossed, she stretched over to the desk by her bed to grab her laptop, almost falling off of her bed in the process. Raising it up, she logged onto Pesterchum quickly read through the list of her Chums online. Unfortunately, she only had three Chums added and two of those three were online, mostly because of her quieter tendencies in both real life and on the internet. Switching her mood to Rancorous, she slipped her earbuds on, turned on the loudest and most angsty music she could fine (for country music anyway) and groaned. The installation for SBURB still wasn't finished on her computer yet.