Mmkay. And is that Farkas I see? [b]~CS~[/b] [b]Name: [/b]Elisith Bleakwood [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Species: [/b]Elf [b]Biography:[/b] Elisith grew up learning to be a proper lady, a highborn who was destined to marry into another family and continue its lineage. She known for her exquisite needlework and was taught by only the finest of teachers how to dance as gracefully as the water itself. Elisith was content with this lifestyle, for a time. During her teenage years, a newfound adoration for the warriors and swordsmen that fought for the King surfaced and Elisith took it upon herself to learn their ways. While it was not recommended for such a lady to take on swordsmanship in her House it was not condemned either, meaning she was freely allowed to use whatever resources she pleased. A sword in hand, Elisith found it far easier to frolic about like a nuisance than it was to charge head-on with a sword weighing more than she did. With the right momentum, only the heaviest of blades felt like more than a pen in hand. [b]Personality:[/b] Elisith is very polite and has still retained her ladylike composure from when she was younger. She often speaks quite formally, so much so that even to a close companion she would talk as though she was speaking with the King himself. Elisith can need frequent reminding that not everyone was born into such nobility. [hider=Appearance:] Ignore all the Aeris Rose of Sharon nonsense, would ya? [img=] Like this except her butt-covering thing is significantly longer in both the front and back and reaches about calf (shin)-length. [/hider] [b]Crush:[/b] None currently. [b]Combat skills: [/b] Elisith's movements are lithe and graceful and her technique is somewhat like that of a dance. She wields her sword in one hand with nothing in the other. Although her actual ability with a blade is flawed, Elisith uses agility to make herself a frustrating target to hit.