-=Heinsworth Forest=- It has been three weeks since the Bloodfang Clan took Fort Heinsworth. Since then the Sadan Knights have tried to launch attacks to reclaim the Fort with no success as the Orcs seem to know the forest well and ambush the Knights before the Fort is even in sight. In a desperate attempt to recapture the Fort the Sadan Empire has hired various mercenary groups to work in a joint attack in order to eliminate the Orcs and reclaim the fort. Commander Garskull made sure that the Iron Wolves were one of the groups that answered the call. Garskull sent 5 separate Squads to participate in the attack as well as his own Command Group to lead the assault. Among the 5 squads that are coming to the battle is a new untested squad lead by Commander Garskull's son Arthur. And Arthur is determined to prove himself even taking on the scouting missions to get his Squad a little recognition for their deeds. Arthur leads his squad through the forest walking quietly and his weapons ready just in case. He surveys the area for a moment looking for any sign of movement or traps set by the Orcs. It doesn't take him long to notice a set of tracks which he then goes over to investigate. "Looks like it might be a hunting party. Couldn't be more than three or four of them." He says to his squad. "You think we should hunt them down? I don't really want to go back with a report of just finding tracks, and if we want to move forward we cant leave these hunters at our backs." He asked them, not wanting to jump in on an unknown foe without at least asking his troops first. "Plus we can steal their catch and take it back to camp. I'm sure the others would like some fresh meat" he added on as he noticed what looked like drag marks beside one of he orc's tracks.