Chikao grinned as he listened to the teacher. The year would definitely be most interesting. He thought that the teacher had just came up with a secret for everyone, because anyone couldn’t know his most important one. That was just plain impossible, no one had ever caught him. Chikao’s eyes started to glimmer when the teacher told everything their class had. It was like from a dream. Two sleeping rooms for one class! His friend had told that in his school the whole school had only four beds. If everything there was so flashy, the lab had to be awesome. Chikao started to dream about everything he could possibly steal from there. Test tubes were necessity, for he had broken plenty of them in his latest experiment, but what especial could he find? Teacher gave Chikao his notebook and the boy started to skim pages. Chikao stared his page. It was filled with chemical equations and ways to sneak into places, all of which he had done. He closed the notebook instantly. Who has done this notebook and how does he or she know my secret? I’m sure I have never been noticed. Suddenly the fun little game changed into something way more serious. I may end up in jail if someone finds out! And of course everyone is now trying to find out! The likely fancy lab started to look like a trap which was set for him. Chikao prayed it wasn’t that great, otherwise he couldn’t keep himself from stealing there for too many days. There were other, safer, places he could steal test tubes from. I wonder what sort of secrets others have. Well, I doubt anyone has anything worse than mine. He laughed at himself. If that were the case, he would be in a class of criminals which was impossible, absolutely impossible. Still, teacher’s words kept echoing in his head. “Any method is allowed.” That was not something teacher would normally say, not at all. Anyhow, he had to find secrets. Keep your friends close but enemies closer. “Interesting, huh?” Chikao said to Kore and smiled cocksurely. “I wonder what sort of secret a girl like you has.”