Kore ignored Chikao and left the class room. Plenty other students had as well. She walked into the bathroom to wash her face when another student walked in after her. Kore picked up her bag and was about to leave when the others student bumped into her. The bottom of Klre's bag ripped. The entire bottom fell off, revealing an array of knives, "I guess that means you'll be my first secret, little peon," Kore told the girl. The girl backed up into one of the stalls. Kore followed after her. She threw two knives. They nailedr he girl in the lungs."And the third," Klre said as she threw the third knife. Kore walked Over to the dying girl. She opened the girls notebook and copied her secrets into her notebook. Kore then tore out the girl's page in the girls notebook. Kore then put down a caset player and started up the caset. She left. There wasn't a single drop of blood on Kore. "Sorry little peon, my secrets a secret," Kore whispered as she walked into the sewing room. She needed to fix her bag.