Scott stood , wincing, after Jan had put the insurgent down, taking Jan's hand. "Thanks, mate" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I slipped up on that one". He scooped up the SOCOM from the floor, and followed the others, catching up as Jan issued their next moves. Nodding, sprinted out of the house and back the way they'd come. Dashing across the yard, he bundled into the desert tan hummer, piling his M249 into the vehicle before starting the engine. He gunned the engine, the big, wide utility vehicle scrabbling for purchase on the dusty street before it lurched into motion and took off at a fast pace under his hand. Weaving through the disorganized traffic, he pushed the vehicle as much as he could, palming the horn almost constantly to get through snarls of traffic, or pedestrians drifting onto and off of the road. "Scott here," he called over the radio, weaving the hummvee around a parked delivery van. "En route now." He caught sight of Jan and the others darting around pedestrians and traffic, and honked the horn and flashed the headlights. "I've got eyes on you now, tell me when to pull over".