Ryuu sat there for a bit trying to fit togeather the best explanation of what they had to do for the new girl. Finally he had one. "See that note book. There is a page with your name on it. Don't let anyone see it. At the same time fill all of the other pages with the images in other peoples books. Oh and we have this whole floor and we are alowd to do anything to get the pages. Now if you'll excuse me, the hunted is about to become the hunter." He stould up and went to the sewing room, looked around for some thread and a needle. Grabbing boulth, he went over to his locker, making Shure that no one was around, and placed his book in it, ceeping it open. He pushed himself up agenst a near by wall, that still allowed him to see the book. As he stould there his skin started to change, gaining the look and texture of the wall behind him. (his clothes changed as well, seeing that they where custom designed to change with him) now all he had to was wait for some one to come and take the bait