[centre][b]Maher & Nadira Adonai Ravens Inn[/b][/centre] Maher blinked as the green haired Mikan spoke to the group, he was still a little bit shell-shocked from the earlier incident and wasnt thinking entirely straight. As everyone started moving again he shook his head to try and clear it, so Aslo wanted to put the beast to sleep and the two mercs were apprently going to tackle it... [b]"How many cats do you know that love water, Sister?"[/b] Maher said with a slow smile spreading across his face. Nadira smiled at her brother [b]"Do you remember mothers black cat?"[/b] Her brother and herself had once decided to try and bathe their mothers cat not long after they had began their lessons. It was safe to say it did not end well... For the cat or for them once their mother found out. [b]"How about we give this kitty a cold dousing."[/b] Maher said hoping that maybe they could shock the beast for a moment or two, at least long enough for the others to act and restrain it. Nadira simply nodded her head, her brother and her had used their magic together many times, specially for stunning. However they used to stun the rabbits and small critters that would run around near their home, a tiger is a little different. [b]"Let's do this then brother" [/b] Maher started an incantation, or at least a half of an incantation. One that the twins had enacted before and through their shared link were capable of flawlessly merging the timing of each half. The goal was to create a large sphere of icy water in the air that they could then direct to drop on the cat from above dousing it from outside its peripheral vision and avoiding their fellow blades in the process. Nadira followed along with her brother, casting her part of the spell, and silently hoping it would bring the tiger down long enough for their companions to subdue it.