[Center]Alicia Le’roux-East Watch Tower[/Center] The feel of the rapier hitting flesh was a welcome change of pace in the battle, although she had no illusion to the fact that this fight was still very much alive and well. The smell of blood on the air was a tempting one, but she would deal with that little niggle later. First off, she had to continue the ‘living’ plan she’d started to outline. Seeing Darek scream out had given her the time to find her feet, and him slamming weapon against shield had been enough time to take a step back and retrieve the parasol she’d attempted to use earlier for the offensive. Under its shade, Alicia felt a sense of control and strength return to her. Even the slightest touch of sunlight had a sapping effect on her, and to be back under the protection of her parasol would help in the fight to come…Probably. She started to take steps towards the half-orc now, confidence starting to eke into her steps again. She had struck a blow, and now she had exorcised her overconfident rush. She was circling away from Kasim, trying to give Darek another thing to worry about. Alicia was in no rush to the shield wielding Half-orc head on. However, she was far too prideful to actually wait out the warrior’s defeat. Kasim would likely not risk a shot from his bow when there was a chance of collateral damage. In Alicia’s mind, this was still a one-on-one fight. A duel, if you will. She jabbed her rapier forward with the speed of a viper’s coiling, followed by a rapid, [i][b]slippery[/b][/i] retreat. She aimed for his barely protected legs while the shield guarded the neck. Punishing the high defence while whittling down his manoeuvrability with [i][b]Rapid blows[/b][/i] was the most sure fire way to beat down Darek while staying alive.