[i][b][center]"My name, is Draco, and I have a destiny to fulfil, a role to play, just like everyone else on this planet. Our paths are chosen from the moment we are born. We do not make our decisions, we do not choose our lives. That is all destiny. It is destiny which makes us who we are, it is destiny which chooses when we die. We are just playing our part, our role. We have no control over this, and we never will. I'm a war hero, it is my destiny to go into wars and find a way to bring peace. I have been in many wars, and brought peace to them all, and I have done it all on my own, but now, a new war is starting. A war which I never imagined. A war with my own father, who has been by my side my whole life. He changed, but it's not his fault. Only destiny is to blame. It is fate, that we fight. This is my final war, and I learned, that this time, I can't do it alone. I need help, and I need friends. I don't quite understand his motives yet, but that will soon come. Let destiny lead our path, wherever it takes us."[/i][/b][/center] So, this is an Rp about a war against extremely powerful war mechs. The man who created them was Draco's father. Now, Draco has to find a way to stop this war from happening before it is too late, but he can't do it by himself. This time, he has to learn, that he needs friends. He needs help. Now at the start, you won't have any interaction with Draco, as he is very anti-social. The first time you will get interaction with him, is when he realizes he can't stop the war on his own this time. The rest of the characters will be living in the city which is underneath to the giant mountain where Draco stays. Now, we will all have only one power. Nobody is allowed techno path. Now you can of course, leave the city to the nearby forest just outside the city if you so wish. One more thing, you are not controlled by destiny, and of course control your own lives. That is just Draco's believe. Now, the Cs. Cs Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Human Power: Animorph Power: Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings. Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: