[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=City%20of%20Sin&name=HamletOrNot.ttf&size=60&style_color=FFFFFF[/img] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/a2d2fd1ab982400b8e66fb119360ff13/tumblr_n70xo0rowW1rpdpouo1_500.png[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/39228/posts/ooc?page=1]OOC[/url] "The Mafia isn't blonde!" "It is now."[/center] [i]“We report today that Mafia don Bobby Baratheon has been found dead in his house. His wife Cersei's family, her younger brothers Tyrion and Jaime as well as her father Tywin have taken over the illegal gambling bars of the Baratheon Family, as well as the rest of Vegas’s organized crime. We also report that Commisioner Edward Stark received a threat this morning, finding the head of a horse in his bedroom. Police believes that the Lannisters have wanted to send a message to Vegas’s chief of police — that’s it for now, and here is Lisa with the weather.”[/i] It seems like the families of Las Vegas have always been at war. For many years, the Targaryen family ran Las Vegas with an Iron fist from their Hotel and Casino, Kings Landing. When Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna Stark, her brother Ned and his best friend Robert Baratheon, whom also loved Lyanna, gathered their family allies and launched an assault against the Targaryen family. Many were involved in the bloody fights, the Tyrells, the Martells, the Tullys and the Lannisters to name a few. Every mob family became embroiled in the war for the streets, which lasted just over one year. By the end of the war, the Targaryens had all but fallen, Rhaegar was dead as was his father and much of his family. Unfortunately, Lyanna had also been killed in the skirmishes and although Robert had won the town, he had also lost so much. To settle differences, Robert married the powerful Tywin Lannister’s young daughter, Cersei. Ned, devastated by the loss of his sister, gave up the mob life and turned his head towards protecting Las Vegas from further bloodshed, installing himself as Chief of Police and operating from the halls of his estate, Winterfell. He continued to raise his children there whilst holding a gentleman’s agreement with Robert to turn a blind eye to some of his more illegal dealings. Fast forward to present day and the news as reported that Robert Baratheon has been found dead at his home at the Kings Landing. A week earlier, his close friend Jon Arryn died of a short illness. Upon their deaths, it has become obvious that the Lannister’s now control Las Vegas and this worries Commissioner Stark. That family had always been ambitious and with Robert out of the way, Tywin can do whatever he wants... [hider=Taken Characters] Jon Snow - Xtreme Sansa Stark - NarcissisticPotato Ramsay Bolton - Phloem Oberyn Martell - Tensai Cersei Lannister - Stephanie96 Varys - Quadrophenia Petyr Bealish- Larfleeze Victarion Greyjoy - NarcissisticPotato [/hider]