Sura released a dispirited sigh. She really did feel bad for the nurse. Her bloodstained uniform, the grime smeared across her face and neck, the distant look in her eye. All were telltale signs that she had been through a terrible ordeal. Signs that she had seen things that no one at their age should ever have to see. A feeling of regret welled up in her chest as the woman apologized. Sura's shoulders slumped with defeat. "Please, do not apologize," she said. "Whatever is going on here is not your fault, and I should not have taken my anger out on you." The blonde was right, not all Germans could be as bad as the Fuhrer. Here this woman sat, her mind heavy with the deaths of countless soldiers who were doing what they thought was right, including herself. It wasn't her fault that she had been brainwashed. Sura wondered what the nurse would say if she invited her to see the other side of the mess the Germans had caused. Would it change her mind? Would it shake all the years of misguided information? She didn't know, but in her heart she knew she had to at least try. "Please, don't leave," she said. "I'd like to show you something."