[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x0thA1f.png[/img] [i]"It has been ten years since it happened, and now, here we all are, fighting for our lives among the danger of what is now our world. I suppose you're wonder what happened now huh? Well to put it bluntly, crap hit the fan and the world fell into ruin. The more advanced explanation may also be necessary. In which case - It started exactly ten years ago. Some super secret organization got it in their minds that joining all of earth under one single ruler by force was a[/i] brilliant [i]idea. Obviously, looking around you, that went well. Well, what happened was they basically assassinated all persons of power from the world. Yes, that includes Presidents, Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers, everyone of semi-important power. This of course sent the world into chaos until this organization gave a worldwide message.[/i] "Obey us, or we will obliterate you and force the others to their knees." [i]Obviously, a lot of people opposed and so, the people of this organization carried out their threat. This however caused worldwide panic. Riots began popping up everywhere, and people started going on killing sprees at the mention of the organization. In a futile act to stop the panic, the organization dropped bombs in multiple cities where there were mass riots and clumps of more dangerous people. These bombs unleashed a gas that when it came into contact with human skin, made their flesh boil and burn, effectively killing them. The bombs did their work in silencing the people - the rioting and murdering stopped, and we all fell into a dark time of silence. Then, something else happened. In the areas where the bombs had dropped, animals began to mutate and evolve, soon giving way to three new species of megafauna. Among the most common of megafauna were odd dogs that had grown an extra head, an extra tail and their legs had become much stronger, allowing them to stand up on their hind limbs, and their front limbs - now arms - had become lined up to the elbows with small, serrated spikes, and their paws had become more like under-developed hands, tipped in long sharp dagger-like claws. These canines were found to be highly aggressive and traveled in packs of five to ten, attacking everything on site. These canids were dubbed as Vehemendogs. Once they got a scent, they won't stop till either they have killed their prey, or are killed themselves - which is achieved by a shot to the head. The second megafauna to emerge was a more neutral biased creature. Feline like in nature, these cats were about the size of a small car, with saber teeth that emerge from their top jaws, with three pairs of horns, two curling forwards and one curving back around their heads. They also have large retractable claws and a tail tipped in a sharp blade that has been rumored to slice effortlessly through steel. Often colored a slate grey with darker black stripes these felines were dubbed as Nightigers. They're fairly neutral and can attack on either side, yours or your opponents. Can be brought down by a shot to the heart. The third was a somewhat passive equine-like creature, not much bigger than your average horse, these animals were very horse-like and resembled the fabled pegasus, but instead of feathers, they have leathery bat wings, and have a row of spikes up their nose and down their neck to their shoulders, as well as two horns that sweep back behind their heads, with tails that instead of hair, are long thin tails ended in a barbed tip. Given a rather boring name of Bathorses, they can be killed by a shot to the head Once these megafauna were discovered, a lot of things changed. The Vehemendogs killed many people, and the Nightigers killed many as well. The population of the world dwindled until the organization finally realized that this world was a lost cause now. No longer having a place of power, or anyone to govern them, the last few thousand people were lost, and became more nomadic - forming clans and becoming tribes. With the ever looming threat of Vehemendogs, many people started forging weapons and raiding the long abandon cities, occasionally running into newer species of animals, that weren't as evolved as the three megafauna. Things went along like this, until yet another curve ball was thrown to screw us over once more. A huge solar flare from the sun erupted, and this one had lot of radiation in it, causing many tribes over the world to mutate, becoming more quadrupedal-like creatures, and some even mutating immensely, evenly dispersing humans to mutants. Only a scarce few humans got away unscathed, leaving us where we are now - wreaked, dismanted and crushed, but alive. Now here is the real question, are you ready to join us?"[/i] Post what you think! Should I make this a proper RP?[/center]