[quote=Sketcher] Aiden Rose 16 Male Athena Aiden’s an incredibly kind boy who tries too hard to fit in someplace. He tends to make awkward jokes that make people want to stop laughing at. His kind nature, however, doesn’t make him vulnerable to being manipulated. Even though he doesn’t look it; Aiden’s a great liar. He never gives a clue about the fact that he’s lying or five any loose ended faux-stories.Aiden’s father was a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author -writing books about the functions of the brain- at the time Aiden was born. When he had a son, and the woman who had bore him had disappeared, he didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t short on money or anything but he had no experience with raising a child. He stopped writing his books and concentrated on Aiden, giving him a decent life. He was aware that Aiden’s mother wasn’t , having it explained to him by her, not believing at first.Apparently, the man was doing a good job. Aiden was growing up to be a spectacular student who was never seen without a book in his hands, whether it be Dostoyevski or Alexandre Dumas. By the age of 9, he was fluent in Turkish and French, reading books like Snow or Les Misérables in their original languages. In the next 2 years, he would be playing chess with university students.When he turned 13, his father told him he would be taking the boy to a summer camp. Reluctantly, Aiden agreed to go with him. That was his first year at camp. Ever since that year, Aiden’s been forcing himself to go back. When he turned 16, he started staying there during most of the year, making time by being . He has an unusual talent at analysing, copying and understanding, and this applies in combat as well. After clashing with an opponent once, he starts to follow their movements, trying to understand the pattern. After having battled for a few seconds, he can see his opponents moves 1 second before they do it, giving himself a time to properly counter. +Martial Arts+Sword/Spear combat+He’s uncannily intelligent, more than worthy to be the son of Athena.+Fluent in Turkish and French.-He becomes incredibly shy when talking to a girl he likes.-He’s lazy and will definitely postpone any responsibility given to him until the last second.+Learning+Drawing+Fighting+Reading+Eating+Travelling+Sailing+Playing chess+Puzzlesand more…-Doing work of any kind-Having nothing to do-Stupid people -He can’t think well under stress. (stress being defined as : When there’s something on the line other than his own life. When it’s his own life, he understands that he has to keep his calm to survive but when someone else is in danger, he gets overwhelmed by the fear of costing them their lives because of a mistake he would end up making.) -He’s unbelievably impatient outside of battles. He uses amazing technique while battling to compensate for his far from incredible arm strength. With this, he learned to take down bigger opponents, using their own reckless power against them. [/quote] Man, I'm so sorry. This is a great sheet, but we're all full up on demigods. If you want, you can make a satyr or a harpy, and we'd have space for you. Again, so sorry!