There was not much planning involved in Ryan's decision to defend the other two survivors. If he would've hesitated, he might've just arrived too late. He was not the self-sacrificing hero type, but he was willing to expose himself to danger for the sake of others. Until a certain point, that is. As the number of creatures to slay or shoot down kept growing, he felt that he has crossed this point. However, bailing out right now was not an option. Betraying the two when they basically placed their lives on him was far worse than just letting them fight for themselves. So he kept on going. The creatures came constantly, mostly in small groups, fortunately for Ryan. The smaller their mobs are, the easier it is to deal with them. Sometimes he felt that he was thrown into some sort of bizarre game where he's the playable character, having to fight until he's overwhelmed. The difference was, there was no respawn. If it's game over, there's no waking up. Or there is, but that's worse than dying. For a moment, he thought about all these relentless monsters being fellow humans once. He knew that he must not feel remorse for killing them despite this fact, as he actually does them a favor by doing so. Despite not having a huge arsenal, Ryan managed to master the katana and the pistol, the two weapons he had and was constantly switching between them for close and longer range combat respectively, making sure he was using them for maximum effectiveness. Some of the shots caused more gore than others and after a few minutes his clothes were starting to get bloody. While he would be disgusted of that in regular days, he didn't have the time nor the luxury to complain right now. Despite all the hazards, he held pretty well, not allowing the creatures to get close to the survivors, even if the only way of keeping them away was to draw them away from them and to him. He played a dangerous game, but so far it paid off. Slowly but surely however, he was getting exhausted. He missed more and more shots and eventually ran out of bullets. He glimpsed back to the pair. The girl looked very worried rightfully so, as the guy was struggling to stay awake and alive. The situation seemed hopeless. Suddenly, the guy, with a very desperate voice, asked him and the girl to get away from him and let him die. Even though at that point it most likely would've been the most logical option, Ryan refused to leave. Not after this last 15 or so minutes. However, they needed to get away quick indeed. Despite only using the katana for a while now, he has already made enough noise to wake all the creatures up in the proximity. They couldn't hold them all back. His mind was racing, trying to think of a plan to get them all away. They could most probably get away with the truck next to them and there was enough space to house the injured guy until the girl, who was seemingly a doctor, could cure him more effectively. But how could they get him on the truck while still fending off the creatures? Even though he wasn't fat at all, but he was practically dead weight and it would surely take both of them to carry him, unless he can stand up and go by himself. Still, this was the only available option he could think of. [i]"You're right, we can't stay here anymore, but I won't let you die here. We go together. If the truck is still functional, we have a chance. You[/i] - Ryan pointed at the girl - [i]could help him get on it while I hold the creatures off. Once that's done, I get on too and we're gone."[/i] he presented his plan.