[img=http://i.imgur.com/C06GVNv.png] Taskmaster moved his head to watch Iron Fist enter the room before listening and answering his question. "Yep, especially since I've seen the place now" he spun around on his heel while making a short whistling before facing Iron Fist again. "Beats living in abandoned warehouses anyway" He thought for a second before stating that "This could get me more publicity right? Like enough for a record deal? Don't wanna brag but I have chords of steel" He joked. If he was a more serious man he would have probably bowed at the sight of Iron Fist. Taskmaster had heard about his martial arts skill along with the fact he can use like hadoukens or kaioken or chi or something to make it even more powerful than before. That would really be a game changer at your primary seven amateur Judo lesson tournament. He decided to stop the joking momentarily though and get to the more serious topic of his recruitment. "So is there a test or something?" The moment had passed "Arm wrestling? Horse Polo? Dance Battle?" A smile grew under the skeletal mask of his.