From the start: Beach Olympics First event: Girls Vs Boys waterballoon dodgeball. Girls won this event xD Some of the boys broke the rules with friendly fire [s]Crash was the worst[/s] Second event: Crossdressing wipeout. Because the boys lost the first event they were dressed up by the girls in silly costumes and had to race through an obstacle course whilst being pelted with paint balloons and blasted with foam canons. 1st: Seven 2nd: Ryuu 3rd: Chris (HylianRose new character) 4th: Darwin 5th: Alistair 6th: Ara 7th: Crash 8th: Brako (< Yes he raced in a princess dress xD) And that was the end of the Beach Olympics! Zivon and Yuki got lost in the woods during this event and didn't attend it >.> Apart from that not a [i]lot[/i] else happened except for a bit of character chatter in between :) As for now everyone is making their way to the training area where there are 3 dojo's One is physical training so more hands on, another is Shooting (?) from what I can gather and the last one is Magic training. The training hasn't actually started yet, people are still wandering in and choosing where to go so perfect time to jump back in!