She rotated the guns in her hands, slashed at the closest zombies with the blades as she leaped down from the statue, hearing the men and their gunshots. She glanced behind her as she once more rotated the weapons, firing a few more shots to take down the next closest 3. She was counting her shots, and now she had only half the original amount. Keeping her face hidden, Niiu turned and ran, taking care to keep from tripping over the few headstones by the front gate. She slammed it shut behind her, and started to go past the men. She slowed down, almost to a stop, and mumbled slightly to them, "Uh...T-thanks..." With that she started to scurry off, not wanting to stick around and converse. She had to come to a stop as she looked around in the dark, her eyes almost fully adjusted; she could at least see the silhouettes of buildings. She glanced around, trying to figure out which way her boarded up home was. Her heart was starting to slow back down, her breathing steadying after the little event. Looking over her shoulder she raised her voice just enough to hopefully be heard, "Which way is the church?" If she knew that, she could get home quickly, her mind just wasn't working too well after the shock of the zombie attack.