After finishing up her meal Andrea took her plate, knife and fork dropping them into the sink, she didn't feel like having to clean them and would do it in the morning. She turned off her TV before heading up to her bedroom inside her room looked fairly normal having a few pictures of herself and her family when she was younger. Andrea looked at a few of them with her and her friend Valeria she missed dearly. She grabbed herself a towel and a pair of night clothes to make herself feel more comfortable, Andrea walked towards her bathroom and took off her clothes and started the shower. Andrea spent fifteen minutes washing her hair and making sure she was nice and clean before heading out and started to towel dry her hair as the redhead started to comb her hair she heard a loud knocking on the door. Andrea looked confused for a moment and quickly left the bathroom, and headed down the stairs and towards the front door. Andrea looked through the small look through hole in the middle of the door and could see her friend standing outside the last time she saw her was a day before graduation the day was normal and they were having fun. Before the night was over she wanted to tell her how she really felt but was really nervous to, Andrea waited a few minutes before sighing softly it was good to see Val again. Andrea slowly opened the door looking at Valeria and smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Hey Val! It's been a really long time since I last saw you how have you been?" Andrea asked before breaking the hug and stared at her, she was happy but also upset with her leaving so suddenly. "Want to come in?" Andrea asked softly.