[hider= Plot Idea]During their last vacation, the two have a heated summer romance, completely unaware of each others true ages, occupations, and what not (I'm thinking the student lied about their age and all that good stuff orrrrr they had a really awesome one night stand, where not that much information was exchanged). Anyway, a year has passed and guess who just landed a better job at the student's school? That's right. Then, as fate would have it, the two run into each other and you know what that means....awkwardness, smuttiness, and whatever else our minds could conjure up! Erm, and if you didn't know by now, this would be on the mature side, so I would prefer someone who could handle that. Heck, maybe even be okay with the teacher being involved with someone else. The more drama, the better. [/hider] [b][u]Character Sheet Template[/u][/b] Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Short Bio: Erm, you don't have to fill out all of that. Just fill out what you'd like c: