[center][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt4jo2XsThc[/youtube] ~Ariela~[/center] She was different. [i]He[/i] had told her. She... Had Seen. Her eyes would forever remember that day. The day she had been granted the power to change the world. She would watch them burn. Every last soul that stood so proudly behind the protection of the light. Soon they would feel her vengeance.. She walked along the ruined road, alone and abandoned. She smiled at the suffering of any she passed. She, unlike the large majority of Sovereign, had flourished in this new world. For the first time in years she was well fed, well dressed, and able too see. She walked for hours, without a destination, and without a need for one. Ariela lightly stroked the machete she held beneath her robes. It brought her comfort. She continued on her way. She was hunting, hunting for a fresh meal. For Ariela had grown very twisted in the past year. Ariela had become a source of fear for a majority of the city. She was known as the Banshee, and she was, a cannibal. Before long she came to a tree. An unsuspecting individual lay at this tree. Ariela softened her step, creeping ever closer, she slit his neck. The poor man fell too the ground with a thud. It took quite an effort, but she eventually managed to flip him onto his back. She began a careful and precise cut, beginning with the skin, and then the meat, she made sure not to waste a single piece. It would all be needed. Today was a hunting day. She paused a moment before packing her meal. The wind had shifted, she suddenly began to feel insecure, almost as if she was being watched.. She quickly packed all of useable meats and began her long walk to the hunting ground. She had tracked her prey for many days. She would not lose it now.