[center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2vdl1xz.jpg[/IMG][/center] [CENTER][B][U]NPC TURNS[/U][/B][/CENTER] [hider=Kingdom of France] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 35,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 50,000 [b]Alliances: Kingdom of England, Holy Roman Empire[/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- Invades and claims Sardinia. - Invades and claims Brittany[/LIST] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- Alliance Forged With Holy Roman Empire - Alliance Forged with Kingdom of England[/list] ------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Kingdom of England] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 35,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 50,000 [b]Alliances: Kingdom of France, Holy Roman Empire[/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- Invades and claims Scotland - Invades and claims Southern Ireland.[/list] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- Alliance Forged with Holy Roman Empire - Alliance Forged with Kingdom of France[/list] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Holy Roman Empire] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 85,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 120,000 [b]Alliances: Kingdom of England, Kingdom of France[/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- Emperor Otto IV assembles his forces on the borders of Poland, in preparation for an expected Isarimer offensive. [/list] Army Status Card [hider=Emperor Otto IV’s Army of the Reich] [b][i]Army of the Reich [/i][/b] [b]Current General:[/b] Emperor Otto IV of the Holy Roman Empire [b]Location:[/b] Germany/Poland Borders [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - /// - < Armoured Sergeants >/<5,000>// - < Zwei Hander >/<3,000>// - < Peasant Crossbowmen >/<2,000>// - < Feudal Knights >/<2,000>//[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Gathering strength. [/hider] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- Alliance Forged with Kingdom of England - Alliance Forged with Kingdom of France[/list] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Byzantium Empire] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 75,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 110,000 [b]Alliances: [/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- Invades and claims Bulgaria. [/list] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- No Actions [/list] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Ayyubid Dyanasty] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 75,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 90,000 [b]Alliances:[/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- Invades and claims Saudi Arabia. [/list] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- No Actions [/list] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Kievan Rus] [b]Army Potential:[/b] 15,000 [b]Militia Potential:[/b] 20,000 [b]Alliances: [/b][/hider] [U]MILITARY[/U] [LIST]- No Actions. [/list] [U]DIPLOMACY[/U] [list]- No Actions [/list]