Name: Yuuki Asuka Alias: Shadow Sable, or Sable for short. Age: 16 Gender: Male Skills: Being trained as a shinobi, Sable has developed strong stealth capabilities, being able to hone his energy to cling to walls and the ceiling like any other ninja. He also has proficiency with a bo-staff. When it comes to fighting, he fights fast but doesn't hit quite as hard as other heroes. Powers: Sable's powers, for the most part, fit his name and Shinobi qualities. Enhanced Strength- Through his training, he has developed strength above a regular human's strength but below Superhuman Strength. Enhanced Speed- Like his strength, he has developed speed above a regular human's speed but below Superhuman Speed. Teleportation- He can disappear in a puff of smoke, but can only reappear up to fifteen feet away. Darkness-induced Fireballs- Rubbing his hands together, he can create pitch-black fireballs. Other than their regular color, they work just like normal fireballs. Equipment: His bo-staff, but not much beyond that. Personality: Unlike most ninja, Sable is a hot-headed fellow, making his own way through life and doing things his own way (which can come across as annoying to his teammates). He is rather confident and experienced in battle, but makes rash decisions such as using others as human shields or to give himself an opening. He also has a bad habit of fighting people stronger than him. He can be selfish at times, being pushy when it comes to what he wants, but he does have a side that shows he does care for the rest of the Teen Titans. He just pushes people away so he won't be abandoned once again. History: Yuuki Asuka was born in a long line of ninjas, being raised as a warrior since he was young. At age twelve, his family's ninja school was taken over by a rival clan, having been given a strange serum to transform all of the ninjas in both clans into almost super warriors. Forced to have the serum injected in his veins, Yuuki received his powers then and there. Alongside his family, they fought to defeat the ninja clan, sending the other clan into hiding. Deciding that he wanted to find his own lease on life, he became a renegade vigilante, fighting crime whenever he could. He was eventually found by Robin, while clashing with the other superhero, was eventually invited to become part of the newest generation of Teen Titans. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Other: Titans, go!