In the near future, scientists have perfected a method of physically manifesting digital data in the real world, and have implemented a "Radical Augmented Reality" across the globe, during which Virtual and Physical reality became as one. In other words, the internet is in the real world, and perfectly tangible. The problem is that, whilst this seemed perfect for a while, it came at a cost: When a massive terrorist cell called The Morbi (or "The Syndicate", by some)- previously known as "Anonymous"- arose from seemingly nowhere and began unleashing legions of physically-manifested and heinously destructive viruses across the web, they poured out into the real world, too: And into the planetary capital, Proto-City. World governments panicked, cities were leveled and oceans raised. Until one group of people stepped forwards to stop them. The offsprings of those same scientists who'd created The Augmented Reality Project had come to pay for the sins of their fathers. Armed with a series of strange devices called 'Initialisers', which could manipulate data in such a way as to form a protective armour and weaponry with which to combat viral attacks, they called themselves The Moderators, the networld's first and last line of defense. For a while, they beat back the invasion force, and brought about a new era of peace: But they knew this wasn't the end. The Syndicate covered their tracks too well to be stopped at the source, and The Moderators knew it. So- when sanctioned to do so by Proto-City's most powerful politicians- they formed a new police force. A secret service of under-cover officers who- at the first sign of Virus invasion- would arm themselves and become Moderators, heroes to all. By day, they are civilians: By virus-light, they are the protectors this new world needs. The original Moderators became The Admins, the most powerful and influential individuals in the new world. And Proto-City, in which they originally were formed, became the first state to have its own elite Moderator force. They were the best of the best: Moderators 001 through 007, respectively. There was no virus too fast, too strong or too hardy. Perhaps, it was posed, they were even better than The Admins. Braver, stronger... There was no group better! But then, they mysteriously disappeared. So I guess you'll have to do, B-Team, because The Morbi have begun to reappear, and there isn't much time to arm ourselves. You are Mods 101 through 107, newly minted Moderators living in Proto-City's central borough under the guise of civilian internet café owners. You are inexperienced. You are poorly trained. And you are the only thing standing between this city and the viruses that would seek to destroy it. God help us all. [b]Initialisers[/b] [img=] Hello all! [i]Moderators[/i] (name not final) will be a science fiction action roleplay (as Moderators) spliced with a bit of slice of life (as Civilians) which takes place in the futuristic Mega-City [i]Proto-City[/i]. It obviously borrows from things such as the classic [i]Power Rangers[/i] series, sans the Zords. Hopefully it's an interesting idea! If anything is slightly vague, feel free to ask and I'll elaborate.