Rafa followed Arthur through the forest. He had only arrived 2 weeks prior, and said nearly nothing to most everyone in the group. His head wrap did well to cover his face, and his thawb made sure the pests swarming around him made no contact with his skin. He held his halberd in his left hand, supported by his shoulder. His right hand guarded his satchel, which hung across his chest. His all-black attire had Rafa sticking out from the rest of the group. His lack of armor did more-so to support this. Rafa needed to be light and quick. Armor would only slow him down and restrict his movement. Still, he was permitted to set out with the expectation of seeing combat, and Rafa was more than eager to prove himself to all these strangers. Walking through the forest stressed Rafa, and he was fortunate to have been able to conceal it under his head wrap. Rafa had been used to being the hunter in more urban settings without worry of significant retaliation. He was an assassin, spy, enforcer, but not professionally a fighter. Of course he had seen combat, but it had often been in settings where Rafa had the clear offense. It was when Kiena pointed out the newly-defined role of their group when Rafa's worries were eased. Rafa was confident that Arthur's hunt would be successful, and Rafa would finally be able to see some action. "I'm down," responded Rafa. He moved the strap of his satchel from his shoulder to around his waist, threw it behind him, and tightened it like a belt. He could not miss out on this opportunity.