It's the year 2025... and zombies are REAL! -- But they're not terrorizing the countryside, infecting the living, or eating brains. No, most zombies are actually decent people -- For the most part anyway. However, the oversaturation of the media a decade before, showing zombies as horrible flesh-eating monsters has set public opinion against the living dead. Zombies are often regarded with suspicion and often discriminated against. In some places, zombies are actively (if secretly) hunted down by militant groups, and are actively spoken out against by religious leaders... I'm looking for someone who was once one of those who discriminated against the zombies. An otherwise normal girl with a solid group of friends, who met a sudden, violent end at the wrong end of a serial killer's knife and came back a little later as one of the zombies that she once despised. Now her friends want nothing to do with her, her family isn't sure what to do with her, and the only people who seem to support her are the zombies that she terrorized before she died! Will she be able to get through the transition from being a respectable member of the living to a part of the living dead? Will she be able to survive as a zombie with the support of her new friends? Could be possibly fall in love with the pretty -- but dead -- Chichiro Chii?! You'll only find out if you PM me with your interest! I'm looking for someone to play the girl in the link posted at the top of this ad! If you're interested, have questions, need clarification, or just want to smooch a cute zombie girl (I don't bite! Really!) then send me a PM! --- Looking for long term, slice of (un)life FxF romance! Semi-Para to Multi-Para posts are preferred. I'd also prefer to do RP over email or PM. Thanks!