Hello, everyone. Television got me again and now I have a new craving to be filled. I want a western! Join me in some good ol' fashion gun-toting fun! ☠ Be a male. ☠ Be seventeen or older. ☠ This is a western so be open to mature themes and situations when called for. ☠ PMs for the RP. ☠ High-casual to advance. [hider=☠ Plot:] When one of the most wanted criminals in the west is set for hanging, he manages a late night escape and heads out on foot to escape before anyone can find him. In the midst of the field, he spies someone in the dark with a horse and attempts to overtake them, only to be knocked flat and out cold. When he awakes, he's face to face with a woman of legend--Blind Eyed Gunner. This woman, said to be blind due to her white eye and the other always being covered by hair, is still considered the top bounty hunter in the west and one of the deadliest shots. He's surprised to find that, despite knowing who he is due to his wanted poster in her collection, she hasn't dragged him back to jail. In fact, she has no intentions to. She informs him that there is a group of men she is after and she knows he used to be part of the gang (he left the gang to go out on his own after a fight with one of the members). While he made quite the name for himself, the old group has become very dangerous and after attacking a town, raping many women and children, and slaughtering them all, they went into hiding... He knows of numerous hiding spots for the group and agrees to help in exchange for half the money she gets for taking them in and to be given the chance to make a new identity for himself. She doesn't trust him or what he'll do when free, but she agrees, knowing she'll be hunting him down once it's all over. She cannot trust him, and he knows why. The thought of betraying her is there, as she has plenty to her name and he has a title to gain by her demise. [/hider] [hider=☠ Blind Eyed Gunner] [b]Name:[/b] Unknown. [b]Alias:[/b] Blind Eyed Gunner. [b]Age:[/b] Early Twenties (exact unknown). [b]Noticeable traits:[/b] White eye, Indian smoking pipe, priceless gem on her neck-piece. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10492485_10203942762986448_2422269519944738729_n.jpg[/img][/hider] PM if interested.