Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening, and sorry for the delay. Things happen in life, and despite my complaints and letters to management, I still don't get to erase them all with a little rubber eraser like the ones we all got in elementary school. Yes, it does matter whose behind everything, but I like your idea,Templar knight, of an episodic type setting. So maybe we could work our way through the episodes, and learn more and more about whoever it is that's pulling the strings. Of course, that being said, I'm still not sure if there's going to be such a puppeteer, because everything really could just be chaos. though I do want one because this is the Dresden universe we're talking about, and there's always something bigger moving around behind the curtains, waiting for its time in the spotlight. The white council is a factor too that I forgot about. I'm a bad Dresden fan. So I was thinking, maybe we could have one or two characters play as Wardens who are investigating into the ThreeEye and discover the newly created Wizards. I don't think they'd feel negatively towards the new wizards, especially if their on the younger said, at the most I'd would be them being highly suspicious of things. That's just a thought. Also, I'm going to be honest, I'm not on as much as I'd like to be, and don't have the best track record of keeping these things going or starting, so I was wondering what everyone thought of a CoGM?