Im Interested! Ive done superheroes RP before. If you want me as CO GM that is. ---- [Img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Armelia Summers [b]Alias:[/b]Storm [b]Age:[/b]17 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [b]Skills:[/B] Armelia has minor combat skills. She is a good liar and actrees. She is athletic, and ever since she was little she has been on gymnastics. [b]Powers:[/b]Armelia has the power to manipulate the weather. She has the power to manipulate and exert influence with all the natural forces responsible for weather. She can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather. For example creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. (Is that power okay? I wont make it Overpowered or anything.) [b]Equipment:[/b] Nothing [b]Costume:[/b][hider=Costume][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b]Armelia is a sweet girl. She likes to have fun and isnt afraid to speak whatever is on her mind. Armelia likes to hangout with friends and just be herself. She is afraid to show her mean side, but that only happens when someone messes with her or her friends. One thing about Armelia is that she is a very brave girl, ever since she was little she loved to do dangerous stuff, and she wasn't afraid to do so. But she does have something against insects, she hates them. Other then that, Armelia is a very respectful girl and is also girly. But she dosent like the pink color much. She is also pretty cheerful for the most part, she doesn't really let anything get to her. Although because of the way she was raised, she's has trust issues. She does get more worried about others than she does herself. [b]History:[/b]Armelia was born from only a mother, yes a mother only. Her father left them as soon as he knew that she was pregnant with Armelia. And that's when she took care of her daughter alone. And she did a very good job with that. Every girl on the family had special gifts, but they had to be born as a girl. It was like a curse to the girls but th- some of them enjoyed it. Armelia was one of the girls, she had a very unique ability. The power to manipulate the weather. As time went by, she decided to join a team in order protect the innocent and help save the world. Also she could learn a bit about her powers. [b]Other:[/b]Nothing