I like all of this. Also, I feel like my character has a better hold on the role as "programmer" and "coms" officer/thing than as generic of a role as assistant engineer. (I'm really trying hard not to fall into my normal niche/role as engineer. ><; Some electronics/hardware fixes can be assumed with my character, but he won't have any of the knowledge my previous characters do of the shipboard workings. Reactor cores will have an "I believe" button attached. If he's asked to explain how it works, he'll be, undoubtedly, blowing smoke up your arse. And any other systems are all just in the back of his mind as boxes with pipes leading to other boxes. Ex. [Head/toilet] => [Waste centre? Filtration?] => [Space ejection thingy?]) Glad to see you in here, Foster. =) I figured you'd dig this place. You thinking about joining in? It's less tech heavy and more character interaction with a space background. Ellri, my character will be working closely with yours if she's an alien specialist. ;D I figured my character would have more communication with whatever alliances are relying on our science/exploratory vessel's findings but would aid in getting her voice off-ship if we run into any other world life.