The boy smiled and followed without question. Looking out the window he stared out and he looked excited "So pretty!" he stated as he moved closer and studied the building "H-ouse?" he asked trying to get use to the word and trying to connect it to the place in front of them. "How do we get in here?" he asked innocently enough. Turning his attention to the man beside him, the android smiled sweetly "Blake." he said softly as he got onto his tippy-toes "Can we explore?" he asked as he pointed back to the home. He hoped that his message would come by easily. The android knew nothing of his existence. He just woke up and found himself in a room. In a place where he was born and where he took his first big steps with no one to witness them or the first of many words he would state. "So pretty..." his eye lids half closed and a dreamy smile came to his painted lips. It just happened without any thought and he never notice it.