I love things like that, that just take you away from reality for a little while. It's so peaceful. That's kind of how I feel while I'm dancing. I think I maybe will, and I like your suggestion with the pen! I'm such a perfectionist that I'd probably end up drawing and re-drawing everything instead of just going with the flow. Have you ever considered teaching this type of thing? I feel like you would be a good art teacher of sorts, or like a camp counsellor. I bet they can go really fast.... man now I kind of want to go race golf carts! I agree, soccer players are pretty great <3 Although, dancers man! We're all pretty great too :p Oh my god it does... that's why I don't play. He's had bones broken in his face, fingers, I think he dislocated his shoulder once and there was some other stuff too and he's only been playing for three or four years. I know people who have had their ears almost completely ripped off and all this gross shit. I don't know why they would want to do that, probably just for the rush or something. Ugh! Baseball... you're right that is a painful sport to watch D: How long did he do that for? Hehe, yeah it's pretty great! I really like him... :) But he keeps telling me that he can't get close to people because he always ends up hurting them and he knows that I cut and all that shit so he's extra cautious and that makes me sad because I would rather him get close and then us break up and still be friends (because we will always be friends, no matter what happens. We aren't the type of people that would do something so horrible that we'd just stop speaking) then not be close at all. That's what would kill me. *Shudders* Blech!! But I actually did really like it, and I almost related to it in a way... IF TYRION DIES I WILL STOP WATCHING THE SHOW.. Kay that's a lie but still! I would not be happy at all. DX As for Egret, man that actually made me so sad :'( I mean, I knew they couldn't be together but it still hurt my heart to watch!! I am so so so so so so so so so sorry that post took so long :( I've been having major writers block recently and just couldn't find it in me until tonight.