[hider=Annie] [center] [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1576030-bigthumbnail.jpg] Annie Linedale 20 Human Fighter ~Abilities~ Annie has inhumane reflexes. She's been training since she was a small girl under the direction of Lucifer himself, though she didn't know it. She's been traveling for a while, gaining new fighting knowledge and skills. She knows a wide array of fighting techniques and skills. She can run faster than most humans, she can jump higher, punch harder, and kick with the force of a kangaroo. She once punched a zombie so hard it's head exploded. ~Background~ Once a student of Kalmaysia, Annie had decided to roam the world, learning more about fighting, garnering all she could. She fought for justice when she saw it and on one of her fights, a man cut her eye with a knife. Luckily, it didn't damage her eye but left a nasty scar. Though she is no longer working for Lucifer, she still has the powers he gave her which worries her. One day, she got a call from Maria Cross asking her to come to Athalia and help train her students along with other teachers. At first, Annie was apprehensive but then Maria told her the real reason she was being asked to be there. To watch out for Lily, her old friend. That sold the deal for Annie. In three days, she was on a plane to Destiny Island, ready to start training some kids. ~Teaching~ Any Physical Training Classes [/center] [/hider]