Name His birth name is Drago Arsov. His new name is Ezekiel Light. Age 33 Nationality Russian-American. Appearance Were Ezekiel in a movie, he would be cast as the scary, buff henchman that follows the evil mastermind around. Ezekiel stands at 6'3 and has the brawn of someone who's done very hard time. His hair is kept cut extremely short, although Zeke is thinking of growing it out. He has weary dark brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. He moves slowly, as if he's in no particular hurry to get wherever it is he's headed, and has developed a rather unnerving practice of smiling at everyone he sees. His skin is tanned-not too deeply, but he's no stranger to working outdoors, and it shows both in his build and his pigmentation. Zeke's hands are callused and scarred from said work, and the insides of his arms are littered with faded scars. These are difficult to see, given the multitude of tattooes that cover his body. These range from completely macabre to mind-numbingly cryptic to remorseful. On the back of his hands are tattooed a long list of names; his arms are completely engulfed in sleeves of gang marks, tally marks, skulls, and similar imagery. His back has the most elaborate set of tattooes, with two phoenixes circling around the edges of his back and a great many Bible verses transcribed in the space between. His face has only one tattoo-three tear drops running down from each eye. The edges of his lips are marred by a Glasgow smile, reaching halfway up his cheek. The front of Zeke's chest is rendered to appear as if his chest is being ripped open by a skeleton, with blood running out from the wound. Zeke does not care for the markings of violence, sin, and the Devil's work any longer, and prefers to wear long sleeves if at all possible. He does, however, always leave his hands uncovered. Zeke normally wears a small rosary beneath his shirt, where it brushes against his skin, and has two semi-faded piercing marks in his lower ear lobes from where he once had piercings. On his right bicep, there is a mark from where he was branded, but it has been a great many years and the mark has begun to fade. He wears a wedding ring on his right hand and a pink, plastic ring with a Barbie design on it on a string around his neck. Added appearance Height 6'3 Weight 240 Blemishes Scars, tattoo's, birthmarks etc. Listed most of them, I think. Year locked up 2090 - 3000 2097 onwards. Sentence given Life Crime committed Apox was his second sentencing. He has been in and out of prison before for drug possession, murder, and rape. He was sentenced to Apox for a triple homicide and arson. Personality Zeke is a man simultaneously capable of great compassion and great cruelty. In his younger days, he was known for his ferocity and brutality, displaying equal amounts of physical strength and emotional numbness. After he discovered religion, he became a changed man, one who strove to work towards a peaceful and righteous life. Following the death of his family, he seems to have found a middle ground: he no longer enacts vengeance as callously and totally as he did when he was with his gang, and yet he can no longer bring himself to love as openly and freely as he once did, either. His scar-struck smile hides a great deal of guilt, remorse, and genuine desire to change himself. Zeke was once an addict, but has since put drugs, alcohol, etc behind him, yet finds his penchant for violence harder to cast away. He has attempted to live as a pacifist but has seemingly been unable to. Zeke, now striving very desperately to be a moral man, finds himself tormented by what he's done, and the guilt has made moving forward difficult. He's become something of a quiet man, preferring to be by himself and contemplate issues on his own. He prefers to avoid personal attachments, having learned the very hard way how those can end up, and generally prefers to be independent. He feels isolating himself from others is perhaps the best course of action-in this way, he cannot bring harm to anyone. Since his wife and daughter were taken from him, and since he has returned to earth from prison, he no longer has anyone left. His quest to be alone may well be realized. Zeke does, however, have a very fierce temper, one which he works on controlling. If enraged, he generally loses all self-control and goes ballistic: old habits die hard. A habit that carried over from his teenage years and years of marriage is his loyalty-Zeke is extremely loyal, as well as true to his word. He attempts to live honorably, and would rather suffer than compromise his morals-albeit, at times, he was tempted, and returned to illicit activities to ensure the welfare of his family. He now seeks atonement and simply to understand himself, and perhaps put his demons to rest. The empty world he has awoken to seems to be the perfect place for this. Biography Zeke's life is one that's been dotted with tragedy, a great deal of which came from his own hand. Born to an impoverished family, Zeke quickly found psychological and financial solace in the gangs that prowled the streets. There was a sense of family which was absent in his own home-both parents were working constantly, and his brothers and sisters were in and out. He now realizes that foster care was the reason for this, but Zeke as a small child did not know this: he merely knew that the people he loved very dearly kept vanishing on him, but his new big brothers never did. Zeke, as so many have, fell down a rather dark path. Within a few years he'd become a prominent member of the gang, feeding off the admiration and praise his new brothers gave him. He dropped out of school, continued to help support his family financially, but this became increasingly difficult as he began spending more time in juvy than out. Slowly, he grew distant from the members of his old life-at least until a rival gang decided to send "Ivan" (as his politically correct brothers had taken to calling him) a message. His little brothers got roughed up, his older sisters...roughed up a little worse. Zeke was absolute furious, and went to exact vengeance. It was cold. What had been done to his family, he did to his attacker's: ten-fold. The police couldn't turn a blind eye, and he found himself in federal prison. Cut off from both his true family and his surrogate, criminal brothers, Zeke's life was empty. He found solace in religion, taking comfort in the idea that a killer and rapist and pusher could still find peace. The more he studied and learned (and trained-there was a great deal of free time for Zeke in prison, and he spent a good deal of it lifting weights), the more remorse he began to feel for his actions. The people he'd killed, the families he'd broken up. The women he had assaulted, to avenge his family. It haunted him, and when Zeke walked out of prison some years later (let off on probation for the genuine change of heart he'd displayed, the information he'd given on his rival gangs, and the fact he was so young when he'd come in), he was a changed man. Still troubled, but no longer drawn to a life of violence. Well, that's not totally true. It was still there-talent begs to be used, and a man as heavily tattooed as Zeke, with such a violent criminal record, found difficulty getting employed anywhere. As much as he despised it, Zeke was forced several times to turn to criminal activities to simply stay alive, but he was truly trying to get on the right path. He eventually succeeded, earning a custodial position at a company. He found janitorial work very soothing: there was no danger, no stress, no responsibility. He could clean things up all day and talk to people and there wasn't any killing or need to be harsh. Eventually, Zeke would find love-he'd find it and take it to the altar, and then hold its hand while it gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Zeke's life finally seemed to be coming together, and he'd even re-established contact with his family (who had mostly disowned him following his rather abhorrent response to what happened). Unfortunately, Zeke found that children are expensive-and for a janitor and an entry-level clerk, expensive was sometimes not an option. Zeke quietly began to hit up his old contacts, doing the occasional job when he couldn't get work as a bouncer or something similar. Unfortunately, it was one of these jobs that would lead to his tenure in Apox: he inadvertently drew the enmity of an up-and-coming gang, who targeted Zeke's family. He lost it. Zeke found out very quickly where the gang's leader lived and proceeded to drive to said leader's house, soak the bushes in gasoline, and burn the motherf*cker to the ground. Zeke stood in the road, blood boiling, ready to quite literally tear someone to shreds, should they run out the front door, and relished the screams from inside. For a moment-he quickly realized he was not hearing the screams of the man who killed his family. He was at the wrong house. Zeke tried futilely to get in and drag people out, but he'd done his job too well: there wasn't much he could do. Zeke turned himself in in a matter of hours and was spared the death sentence because of it, instead sent to Apox. He's spent the time then struggling with his faith, writing countless letters of apology, and questioning his life in general. He seeks redemption but isn't quite sure if he's worthy. Other Has a soft spot for children, women, and animals. Loses all sense of morality when his loved ones are threatened.