[quote=He Who Walks Behind] Did any new races/forces emerge as a result of the Worldbane? [/quote] Technically, yes. The corruption the Worldbane left behind when they left molded and twisted much of the world's flora and fauna, so I'd imagine that there could be a [i]few[/i] "major" races that could've been corrupted, as well, especially if said race was very animal-like. As for generation of a new species on its own, no. As for powers- it's been too short of a time for anyone to know entirely. Whether or not mages can or cannot control this new "Corruption Chasm" (Assuming there even [i]is[/i] a Chasm for it [Spoiler: there is], is shrouded in mystery. At the start of the roleplay there would've been a few reports of a mage doing such, but absolutely no one would ever trust them for any reason whatsoever. Plus, no one really knows if controlling that kind of power changes a person or not. So in terms of new forces, yes, one emerged, though it isn't widely accessible as the other Chasms, not to mention that Archtonement is difficult nowadays since there's only a handful of peoples who were taught the ritual processes in the first place. Not that I'm condemning the creation of mage characters, just realize that Archtonement is a difficult process made even more difficult now. Actually, having someone in the party be an aspiring mage wanting to go through Archtonement could be a pretty cool story arch, I think. But anywho, I'll start on the main thread now. Shouldn't take too terribly long, since a big chunk of it is already here. And yet again, thanks to those who showed interest!