Hello everyone, I was playing some Persona 3 earlier and decided to try something like it, except not. Die hard fans, please don't kill me and try to listen until the end, okay? Seriously, don't hunt me down and kill me, I'm too young to die D: ! Right, so this idea is a sketch of sort, and will be bettered and modified with both time, thoughts on my part and input on yours. That's right, you can twist it even more if the twist in question make it flow better and have more sense! That means don't only say yay or nay and leave, but give a reason for your choice, that would help me make the whole thing better a lot. Thanks in advance! First thing first, the setting will be a little lost in time, and for a reason because this is an alternate reality where instead of dealing with conflict with fist and weapons, humanity somehow managed to kill each other with words and poison. Yes, really. This is a dog eat dog world as a result, with everything but outright violence lawful in the eye of all, and in the process making it a very dark and morally ambiguous world. That, of course, if a feeding ground of the gods for creatures made solely of concentrated dark thoughts and instincts, and thus shadows are numerous and found everywhere and every time, so much that people doesn't even notice them after a while. Fortunately, the shadows of this world are not violent either, and are in fact more prompt to make people fall into deep despair or great malady than to make a bloodbath. But is it really a boon? They destroy structures, turn the water to a poisonous sludge and even push weak willed people to suicide, and things must be kept in humanity's control, right? That's why the Persona System was made after it's predecessor, the Guardian Council, fell fifty years ago after centuries of propaganda and struggle to keep people ignorant and happy. All that changed this year, as the Persona System is a state of the art portable console that leave you able to hear and be heard by shadows as long as it is on. Resembling headphones with a retractable metal plate covering the mouth, It's purpose? Turn the negative energies into benign or, rarely, even positive ones called Personas that become a sort of antibody against the harmful effect of shadows. To do that, the user have to basically defeat said shadow in wit by either making it passive or by granting them a series of wishes that may very well either make them flee the area or actively ascend into a Greater Persona. What does that have to do with you, you say? Well, your character is a young high schooler that have been chosen by their government, the Japanese Government, to be precise, to become one of the first Persona Makers. Will you be up to the task? Oh yeah, and do be careful to have strong bonds with others and be sound of mind and body, you wouldn't want to make new and stronger shadows instead, would you? This will have a shade of grey morality, so expect choices to be difficult to make in good conscience, that all I got for now! Thoughts?