Merrick let out a breath in relief when the girl managed to escape the undead. He removed his hat for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow; he was still reeling from the surprise of having to deal with the supernatural. It was not anything anyone would be - or could be - prepared for. Not anyone normal, in any case. Merrick removed the bayonet from his weapon and returned it to his sheath, then slung the weapon behind his shoulder before walking towards the girl. If he had been shaken by the mere sight of the undead, he could not imagine what state the girl would be in. Then again, if she was a native of Paradise, then this could just be another regular walk at night. "It's nothing, not like we can just sit by and let someone cark it." He said in response to her mumbled, barely audible thanks. She had to be in a state of shock, Merrick guessed, and that was something he knew how to deal with as well. Every soldier had to, at one point or other, deal with a shell-shocked comrade. He nodded to her weapons, a peculiar mesh of a revolver and knife. Not something that Merrick would bring into a fight, but it certainly stood out as something unique. "Odd weapons you've got there," He commented. He heard her question and pointed in the general direction at the way they had came. "Somewhere down that way, we just came from the church." He said with a shrug and cocked his head slightly to the left. "You want one of us to come along with you? I-I'm not sayin' you're not capable of doin' it on your own, but safety in numbers, yeah?"