Cs: Character skeleton Name: Doku Makato Age: 16 Gender: Male Grade ( 8th. 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th ) : 11th Personality: Dark, Quiet. Doku is one who understands actions are more important than words. He seems to brood and lurk until suddenly, without notice, he acts. Whether that be attacking an opponent, high tailing it, or simply disappearing is based on the situation. He is smart, but many people don't realize that, and those that do see him as cunning and strategic rather than just smart. He can be quite arrogant once he lets down his shields of silence. Bio: Doku has been an orphan since the age of 8. He lived on the streets doing anything he could for money. He has smuggled and sold drugs, stolen goods to sell on a street corner, committed assassinations, delivered messages, stolen messages, and by the age of 13, had successfully started a gang that took control of his home city, and holds strong even without his presence. At the age of 16, his luck seemed to run out. Hooded beings formed from melted shadows, grabbing the boy, muffling his screams, preventing his escape, and protecting themselves all at the same time. The last thing he remembered was the smell of a sleeping drug. He woke up bound in the back of a wagon. His captives took him to the school and enrolled him. Doku had heard of the Academy before, and instead of running back to his grungy city to lead the short-lived life of a crime lord, decided to make the most of this mysterious yet surprising opportunity. This being said, he will not hesitate to attempt to create some sort of organizations that ignores the rules. Overall, Doku is a great fighter, an outstanding strategist, and a confident leader. He lacks in many other areas though. He is unsympathetic, terrible at inter-personal relationships, and cannot fathom the illogical. He is spiritually lost, emotionally stale, and, as such, rarely trusts anyone nor asks for help. Weapons ( If you have any): A hidden blade (think Assassin's Creed), a set of six throwing knives, a small dagger, and a rapier, although the last is slightly for show. He kept a two piece katana set in his old city, and it somehow mysteriously appeared under his new bunk. For work, he mainly uses the dagger or the hidden blade, but can operate both of his sword types quite effectively. Appearance: This image but slightly more muscular and no glasses. [hider=Picture] [img]http://cs616531.vk.me/v616531636/9ec2/IbRn79pxy04.jpg[/img][/hider]