Hello I am new to this site and was [s]drafted[/s] invited to join this by Ryver, these are my characters, i have a little experience in rping. Mostly LOTR, HP and Transformers related. To make things official i would like to join this rp. [hider=Richard Prentice]Richard Prentice Nickname/Title: Rich, Eagle eye Team Title: Love Burns Gender: Male Age: 26 Position: Asylum Specialty: Hunter Alchemic Style: Vocem (primary) and Motem (secondary). Asylum Code: Code: MIX (1009) Location: Tattooed on the middle finger of his right hand. He created a similar tattoo on the middle finger of his left hand. Weapons: The ol Switcheroo: A bat'leth that changes into a skateboard. With his blade disguised as a skateboard Rich can pass all airport and customs security easily. Puppy: .357 magnum revolver that fires anti-alchemy and armor piercing bullets. It comes with a removable silencer. Da Bag: A leather satchel containing 3 vials of water. Rich can create a powerful acid when he adds in the white powdered substance that he keeps in his tobacco pouch. The powder double ups as a poison that can be used to assassinate unsuspecting targets. He is currently experimenting to create more compounds for future use. Alchemy Specialization: Corrosion control Use: Rich can control the speed and magnitude of corrosion of all acidic substances. However he needs a medium in order for his specialization to work. Appearance: Rich is 5’11’’. He is toned and lithe. His coloring is indicative of his British-Jamaican heritage. This gentleman has raised many eyebrows with his gaudy style. His shoulder length black hair is usually styled in cornrows. Adding to this he wears colorful tops with the brightest shades of greens, reds and yellows that anyone has ever seen when off duty. Most of his shirts have a hip hop theme to them despite their odd colors. Hoodies, brims, novelties, fedoras and beanies are a huge part of his wardrobe. He usually swaps for a sleeveless black or navy shirt when on a mission. Perhaps the only thing ordinary about him is his pair of jeans and simple rimless glasses. Personality: Rich is a fun loving, potty mouthed gentleman. He prefers crude humor compared to subtle sarcasm. His pet peeves are poor table manners and bad sportsmanship. Other than that he is pretty tolerant. He often changes his morals to suit the occasion. History: Rich is the only son of the renowned British Sniffer Rose Prentice. She was the female half of Bastet. The Bastet was a Sniffer-Hunter team based in Egypt. Unlike many male-female dyads, Rose and her partner José Luis Asis didn’t land up marrying each other. Still because of their close friendship they arranged to have their children raised together. Rich and Sela never quite intended to get married to one another despite knowing each other since they were children. However after going through the Academy together and being partners for the last 8 years they decided it is time finally settle down. Neither could imagine being with anyone else. There is a deep sense of trust and understanding between them. Just before their wedding they applied to transfer to from the Egyptian branch of AMRO. Their one-month honeymoon in the States was about to end when they received a mission from an agent known as “Lizard”. Other: Rich loves Jimmy Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Elton John, Henry Belefonte and Michael Jackson. Don’t try to persuade him to like anything by Shakira, Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga. He absolutely doesn’t like their style. Rich knows how to play the timpani and the bongo drums. He intends to learn the Chinese erhu in the future. The piano, guitar and violin are too mainstream for him. He is terrible with Mathematics. This is why he carries a pocket calculator around most of the time. His mom’s Alch-specs is chemical substance manipulation. His has a pet rabbit called Tiny. Theme: Psy - Gentleman [/hider] [hider=Salome Prentice]Name: Salome Prentice Nickname/Title: Sela, Dancing Queen Team Title: Love Burns Gender: Female Age: 28 Position: Asylum Specialty: Hunter Alchemic Style: Motem (primary), Vocem (secondary). Asylum Code: Code: LIV (54) Location: Tattooed onto her tongue. Weapons: Eres Divina: A combination Taser and stun gun with adjustable voltage settings disguised as a tube of lipstick. The color is a custom ordered Mac red shade known as Corazón. The stun gun can release a single charged shot up to 2 feet away. However the accuracy of the shot reduces over longer distances. The sharpened two pronged tip remains attached via a long metallic rope. When embedded into the wall the device can support the weight of an average adult male. Mamacita Rica: A pair of battle fans made from a special steel alloy and coated with anti-alchemy substance. To the untrained eye they appear to be a traditional pair of black lace fans used in Flamenco dancing. The lacey outer material is actually made from Kevlar fibers that can be used to deflect bullets. The fans can be modified into a set of tiger claws. Alchemy specialization: Acid Generation Use: Ability to produce acids of varying strengths that can corrode both organic and inorganic matter. Her ability works well with Rich’s. Appearance: Sela is 5’8’’. She has a lovely olive coloring with a faintest blush appearing at her cheeks. Her luscious charcoal black hair is naturally wavy. There is something feline about this senora. In fact she appears to be almost purring whenever she lowers her eye lids and whispers huskily. She is as fond of cool tones especially stark black and pure white. Nothing announces her bold femininity more than the fact that she chooses to wear a figure hugging shimmering black dress onto the battle field. The skirt has a slit that runs up to her upper thigh on the right side. This enables her to perform her racy battle moves whilst lock in combat. Do not underestimate the protection afforded by this seemingly flimsy dress. Personality: Sela likes things to be fast and efficient. Nothing irks her more than having to wait for something that clearly wasn’t going to happen. Contrary to what most people believe Sela is not hot headed at all. Rather than lashing out in anger she would simply wait to stab you in the back. She can be vindictive and cruel if pushed too far. She does not understand the concept of morality. She analyzes things based on their cost and benefit. History: Sela is the only daughter out of José Luis Asis’ three children. Being the oldest she often expects her younger brothers to give in to her. This often resulted in a lot of fighting when they were younger. Perhaps her tomboyish streak that makes her prefer hand to hand combat compared to range combat. Her father often jokes that Sela could not be his because all Asis women are gentle and helpless. Others: Sela cannot cook. Not even a fried egg. She got bored of Rich being so tongue tied the day that she proposed to him instead. The proposal happened at Starbucks over a cup of long black and a half eaten bagel while waiting for a connecting flight to Canada. Never tell Sela she has a bad sense of direction or she will box you. She is extremely fond of dairy. Her favorite ice cream brand is Ben and Jerry’s. She hates eating fruits. Sun-maid raisins are the only fruits she doesn’t mind eating. Theme: Pink - So What[/hider]