Thru the forest, Riki marched with her new squad. The sound of leather rubbing against metal emanated softly as she moved. On her hip a rapier hung light as a feather, she barely felt it was there. From head to toe all her clothes were worn tightly and snugly, an in no way impaired her movement. Speed and flexibility is vital to her, more so than any steel plate armor could be. But it does nothing to protect her from boredom. Yawns frequented her more than once. It was good they were in a forest, it makes it harder to use bows and ranged weapons. Coward's weapons. They lacked finesse and flair. More than once Riki was tempted the cut down a bush or branch in her way, but rather not dull her blade on something so trivial. She honestly didn't see much in her new teammates. She twirled her long hair around her fingers as they walked and walked and walked. Her foot steps were swift and steady as she glided along the forest floor. Soon they stopped to plan their next move. The Astiroth fellow didn't leave a good impression when he said he preferred his tongue over his sword. Riki prefers tongues too but in a different way. RIki felt there was more discussion than necessary amongst the squad, there was no question her mind. Unsheathing her sword just enough to see the blade, Riki fingered the edge to make sure it was nice and sharp. "Just show me where they are" she said flatly with every confidence in her abilities.