[quote=thatguy] My ideas:Aquaman- Agent of ATLANTIS. The underwater kingdom has been traded in for a top top secret paramilitary organization, standing for Agents who Target Land Aggressors And Neutralize with Intelligent Strageties, Aquaman as he is known, is their best agent.Guy Gardner- the Lantern with attitude becomes the soul wielder of the Red Lantern Corps. What will he do with his anger? Become a hero, or a villain?Bane: Year Zero- detailing the rise and the mysterious early years of the muscular madman's life.Vandal Savage: Good Guy Extraordinaire- Nobody knows who he is, or where he came from, but what they do know is that is one man has waged a war on national poltical corruption, drugs, and poverty, and he is winning... that should be all that matters, right?Doomsday The Creator- detailing the early years of the monster's life, before he was an nigh immortal killing machine. Before he fought Superman, did he feel happy, loved, nice? Did he have friends, or a family? Find out. [/quote] We're not here to tell you what character to play as. Pick one, submit a sheet and remember you're expected to pick a hero before submitting a villain sheet.