CDC Center... While Harris, Jon, Petra and Will conversed about supplies and went about their business, the other group moved in and claimed their own supplies from the armory. There were a few brief introductions and this group decided it was best to stay here and ride things out. One of the men geared up in a manner that indicated he had some form of military or police training, and he was actually a state trooper with extensive training and former military experience as a combat line medic. His name was Charles but he went by Chuck. He and Kim did some discussion about what to do as the walked around and eventually they came to an exit. However, the door was blocked by a rough, hasty barricade of bed frames, wood, cabinets and seemingly anything that wasn't bolted down or necessary. Both walls on opposite sides of the hall had black spraypaint on them and the words "DO NOT OPEN" appeared. Under that in smaller words were "ALL DOORS UNLOCKED!!" This could be taken as a warning to anyone who'd been out in the world, outside of their room and not isolated from what was actually going on. Those words were meant to say "nothing is keeping what's downstairs out!" The Chuck and Kim however took that as an invitation to leave any time, and soon that group was quietly moving things away from the door and had it open in minutes. The hall was quiet, and Kim smiled and said "let's go everyone," holding Marianne's hand as they stepped into the hall. That was a few minutes before the gunshots were fired in the control room, and those sounds didn't make it to the other survivors. The hallway was long and quiet and only dimly lit as a lot of the light bulbs were out, and some seemed to have been taken out or broken. They moved along in silence except for the occasional crunching of class and an sniffle here and there. Chuck was upfront with his pistol in his hand, somewhat casually. It was an uneventful trip and the group stopped about 15 feet from the staircase going down. Chuck smiled at the group as the all got close together. "Well, looks good. There was a map on the wall, said there was some other supply stuff down there, mainly a food one. I say we get down there, check it out and see who else is down there. If it's safe, we can stay or leave, whichever. Everyone stay together and stay quiet." A girl spoke up and asked meekly, "what....what if there are zombies down there?" She was a woman, not a girl, but seemed too young to be here. She was actually degreed twice over and was here for those credentials however. Kim smiled and Chuck put a hand on her shoulder as he said to her, "that wasn't real. And if it was, you saw up there, it's safe. Down here, there's no locks, maybe the other people are already out. Either way, it's nothing we can't handle. I'm sure the government just over reacted. Or, maybe it's all over, and that's why the doors unlocked." "He's right," Kim said. "Even if there was a threat, I'm sure it would have been handled. This place was meant to keep us safe." She nodded and cleared her throat and a moment later, the group was making their way towards the stairs. They were walking and there was a sudden, deep creak, almost as if the floor was groaning. All of them stopped and looked to one another. Chuck was about to speak and there was another creak and the floor shook a bit. He was about to tell everyone to slowly spread out when the center of the floor gave and all of the group on it disappeared below. The fall was more of a slide as a part of the floor held firm, so the group slide down the floor and rolled, slide or bounced to the floor of the second level. The most immediate thing to the senses was the dark, the dust, and the smell of fire. It wasn't an active fire, but it was as if something near them, maybe the walls, floor, or a room had been on fire. In actuality, a good portion of this floor had been on fire and the ceiling above had lost it's structure because of it. Almost all of them were coughing and then it was there was movement in front of the girl who had spoke up earlier. "Help me up, I think I sprained my ankle." She reached up a hand and before she had any time to react or think, before she could see through the swirling dust, she felt incredible pain shoot through her fingers. Violent pain, indescribable pain. Pain that had her screaming for her life. Instinct made her pull back and she was in such pain and shock that she didn't notice her pinky and most of her left hand was gone. She simply scooted backwards on the floor until she hit another form. Again she reached for help and climbed up. She heard another scream and a series of gunshots that lit up the room. There were forms. People. Something. They were everywhere. She couldn't tell who was who, they were all just forms to her, and it was then that hands gripped her shoulder roughly and yanked her sharply. Not a fraction of a second later, she was bitten for the second time, but this one was a full bite on the back of her neck, and this one didn't let go. And more of those forms were drawn to the scream. Chuck reacted with a little more military training once the violence erupted, pulling one of his two pistols and opening fire. A few forms dropped but some kept coming. When 3 dropped after taking headshots at point blank range, he saw the trend and took headshots only, dropping several more that came at him. A form jumped on his back and he shook that off and backpedaled, feeling blood where the fingers had scratched him under his eye. Then a form rushed him and again he opened fire. He was shocked when the dead form of Kim slid to his feet. He stood in shock for a moment, and that moment was all it took for Chuck to be overwhelmed. After that, the only sounds from that floor were screams, an occasional gunshot, and then finally, the sound of the undead feeding on flesh.