Chikao had started a chat with one of his classmates. It was like a game, Chikao tried to get closer to her secret and the girl cleverly dodged every question. Her notebook was still on a table and another game was going around it. Chikao tried to get it and the girl was always happily stopping him. He tried giving her a movie poster which was between a magazine he bought the day before and attempted to cover the notebook with it, so he could take a peek. The girl realised easily what he was trying to do and took her notebook in her hand. “Wow, such a cool poster and I really loved the movie!” she said. “Can I seriously get it?” “Yeah, go ahead”, Chikao said. The girl took the poster, put it into her bag along with her notebook and journal and left. She was clearly happy with herself, for she had avoided all Chikao’s questions and tricks. Chikao was happy too. His plan B or C, he wasn’t really sure which one he should call it, had succeeded perfectly. The girl hadn’t let him to peek her notebook but she had been more careless with her journal. Chikao had been able to skim it from behind the poster and had found the girl’s home address. Chikao decided to leave the class as well and look around. He walked in the hallway, wondering where to start. That’s when he heard it, Elise’s song. No way! Every time when Chikao had read a piece of news about Elise he had been fascinated by that craziness. He had always thought that Elise was something distant, something that only existed on the pages of newspaper. He started to run towards the song which had not belonged to his world until that moment. As Chikao came closer he was more and more frightened, but even more than that, he was curious. Heart racing like a racehorse, he stepped into girls’ closet. A dead girl lay on the floor. If Chikao had been alone he might have thrown up. He was not, though. The guy who had called himself the devil was there too. “Are you the first who found the body?” Chikao asked. Wait, what if he is the murderer? Then I’m so gonna get killed. But there isn’t any blood on him and he doesn’t look like a criminal surprised at the crime scene so I guess not… He realised that even if “devil” was not the murderer, it was way highly likely that murderer was from his class. “Every student here has a secret.” “Her notebook!” Chikao shouted. “Is it on her bag untouched? If the murderer was after it, she or he is definitely one of our classmates!”