Her table, practically littered in a sea of white papers. You could see ink of all colours, ranging from black to blue to red as she wrote over and over again her practise essay that was upcoming and due soon that she needed to submit, but she hasn't even made any drafts of it. Her hair was tried to a singular bun, and her sea-green fringe clipped neatly away from her face as her fingers slid along the paper's surface. She could've typed her essay, but she chose the traditional. There was a hint of frustration in her long sigh and the gentle smack on the wooden table set Dracomon up to stop and look towards his handler. "What's wrong Ellen, dra?" It's voice raspy and rough, almost high-pitched and very croaky at the same time. "You look awfully unsettled than usual, dra." He continued to play about his building blocks on the floor. "Ha!" He uses his tiny hands to push a block off its throne, sending it down towards the floor with a silent thud. "I am Dracomon, dra!" He yelled out in victory as he slammed another block off a stack before screeching again. "Heeey, shush Dracomon!" She turned to him and gave him a gesture. Not a second later her body was back to where it was and she continued to try and make her essay. "This is due in two days so if I don't make any progress today, I won't be able to pass the course!" Her phone vibrated, as a name appeared on the screen that spelled out Ayase. The repetitive tone that it made sounded like it was just going to be a chatty call so Ellen didn't pick it up.