[b]LAPD Police Station June 25 8:00 AM[/b] [i]Case notes.[/i] Yawning, Vernon Kelso examined the manila yellow folder placed on his desk. It was obviously a case meant for the Homicide Squad but some wise ass higher up had thought it best to place this case in Kelso's hands. It wasn't necessarily a major inconvenience, truth be told, Kelso had been rather bored for a while busting street dope peddlers and it would be rather interesting to examine a real case again. So you can only imagine Kelso's disappointment when the case listed it as a suicide. Not even a particularly interesting suicide, one 9mm bullet to the head. Direct, efficient, and ultimately boring. There were some interesting questions unanswered within the case file Kelso noticed however. Before the kid, listed as 'Adrian Harvey', overdosed himself with lead to the brain, he had been seen talking with a 'Essa Ronnel' who had received something before Adrian's death. It just didn't add up with Kelso. If it was a package of drugs, why did Adrian commit suicide right after giving it to Essa? Security footage hadn't shown it as a two way transaction either, just Adrian handing something to Essa then running to his death. "Fucking kids..." Kelso muttered as he started up the engine of the squad car he was assigned. As the radio crackled to life, Kelso grabbed the microphone. "This is squad car Romeo 11, on my way to investigate the Harvey case." It only took an instant for the radio to buzz back. "You are confirmed to proceed Detective Kelso, happy hunting." [b]Essa Ronnel's Driveway 8:32 AM[/b] Straightening his ebony tie, Vernon Kelso admired his reflection in his car's mirror. Cleanly pressed black slack, a white business blazer and black designer shoes. Crisp, masculine, and costed about as much as most investigators make in a year. Taking a moment to adjust his badge to a comfortable place in his pocket, Vernon kept one hand on the grip of his holster and knocked with the other. "LAPD, I'd like to make a few inquiries"