My interest is being aroused. I also have a character being quite ready. [hider=Deliv of Bold Red Petal] [b]Name[/b]: Deliv of Bold Red Petal [b]Age[/b]: 270 years [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nickname[/b]: On towns where he has been trading, he's known as "Leather Trader" or "Brown Quiver" [b]Race[/b]: Deliv is a Wood Elf, sub-race of elves. In the times of old, they were living in great forests, building their wooden towns. Few traders of theirs had animal leather, berries and wood to trade with other races. Their brown skin and sharp, smooth features are often mistaken as being wood. [b]Skills[/b]: Deliv is a decent shot with his bows. He can shoot to 550 yards, but he's accurate to 170 yards. He is a good tracker and he can tell weight, height and numbers from whatever he tracks. He knows much from the animals of the world before and little about the monsters of new world. He has average knowledge about former world's herbs and their effect on health. He knows leatherworking and arrow making and on parchments he has his self-made maps and poetry. [b]Profession[/b]: The wildlife and wilderness brings him his shelter, wealth and breakfast. He hunts more dangerous wildlife, trades with leather and guides people through the wilderness. He sells maps in the towns for price. [b]Religion[/b]: Faebold, goddess of the hunt was the goddess that the druids and the elves from the Forest of Old Green Trunks worshiped. Every now and then he writes a poem on a parchment and leaves it in the wilderness for Faebold to read. [b]Equipment[/b]: Deliv has two bows. One straight longbow, one recurve shortbow. He has many wooden arrows of two different size to shoot and pouchful of arrowheads to be attached. His clothing is decently tough leather dyed with dark and light green, though he has few other dyes in his pouches should the need arise. His leather hat has wide brim. He has a backpack filled with fine Bear Leather, three maps of his own making and parchment with his poems, dried meat and berries, flask filled with water, tools to work with leather and other tools to create fire and food. His quiver attached to the left side of it. He also has three knives on his belt: one small for carving, bigger one for leatherworking and the biggest and thickest to cut wood, and if it comes to it, living things. [b]Personality[/b]: Deliv is a wanderer, not comfortable staying in the noisy cities and towns for long. He is bit philosophical about the world around him and expresses these in his poems. On hunting or a mission he's calm and focused. He's with some prejudice towards other races before he knows people personally. He doesn't attach to people too much, only to his own race. [b]Backstory[/b]: Ever a ranger and always comfortable in wilderness, he was born and raised in one of the great forests called the Forest of Old Green Trunks, taught to wander by his mother, taught to shoot by his father. Growing up he took up the art of leatherworking to make some earning in his society. Everything was peaceful in the Silver World for hundred and twenty years. When the Worldbane came, the Old Green Trunks sent it's share of archers, rangers and mages to fight the terror. The rest in the forest went to exile away from the Old Green Trunks, Deliv among them. In the Weeping World, the Forest of Old Green Trunks is now called the Forbidden Forest of Grey Trunks. Both forest and, even more, the city inside was filled with monsters never heard of before, and the remaining Wood Elf population had no choice but to wander elsewhere, to find another forest where they would live. The new home had less animals, trees were younger and smaller, and the forest wasn't as large where they once lived, but the Forest of the Young Red Branches was and still is a home for them. Deliv wanted to help his people however his abilities could. He was among the remaining hunters and rangers to keep the hostilities away and examining the surroundings of the forest. Rest of the people started forestry and nurturing animals. Hundred years they grew the forest and herd the animals of the old world before they had the forest to be livable, but even then the bandits were a constant worry. In order to get more help for the remnants of his civilization, Deliv begun to trade with other surviving races in Weeping World with Leather and maps. He searches for goods, even artifacts, to keep his people alive. [/hider]