[center][b]Home of Essa Ronnel June 25 8am[/b][/center] Essa Ronnel sat at her desk, clutching the small note in her shaking hands. Her nervous eyes scanned it's contents for the hundredth time that day. The piece of paper contained a small amount of writing and, to any passerby, appeared insignificant. But it wasn't insignificant. It was way past beyond that. But why give it to her? And why kill himself shortly after? And how the hell did he know? Yes, she had talked with Adrian a few times before, but those conversations were usually brief and rare. Shaking her head, Essa stuffed the note in her jean pocket and buried her face in her hands. There were just too many questions and too little answers. She reached for nearby bottle of pills and popped in a few of the azure capsules, crunching them down as if they were Tic Tacs. It was a bad habit she had formed when she received headaches, to crunch down a bit more than her usual daily dosage. Luckily, it wasn't enough to kill her. That would take the whole entire bottle to do that. Essa's head lifted slightly when she heard a knock at the front door. A visitor? Who would want to come visit them at this hour? She rose up and shuffled out of her room, peeking at the entryway curiously. Her mother was already door, a slightly concerned look on his face. "Of course, Officer. Please, step inside," her mother welcomed as she stepped aside. Essa tensed, quickly drawing away. A police officer...no doubt that he was here for Adrian's death. She lightly tapped her pocket to assure herself that the note was there. Adrian had trusted her to keep silent about this and like hell was she going to tell anyone else about the note.