[Img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/40/3271801-redl_cv25_a9wqn7ugyo_.jpg[/img] WIP | Identity | Guy Gardner/The Raging Red Lantern Include proper historical background that doesn't contradict setting or pre-approved CS's. Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you are home to? Notable NPCs? This one is pretty straightforward. Since the name of the game is reinvention or delivery; I’d like to see how the character is “ultimized” per ce. For example with my Batman I tend to use a variety of content from previous games, the films, the DC Animated Universe, and of course the comics combined with my own ideas. It’s not to say you have to reinvent the character where it’s completely foreign either as we’ve had players who play “by the book” per ce and things have worked just as well. I’m just looking for motive and drive. If you passionately explain your goal then I can have confidence with you being active in this concurrent role-play. I’m looking for your “voice” with the character; samples will be theoretically backstory written or non-continuity posts. I’m looking for a few paragraphs with decent sense of narrative, mood, and characterization. For example, my Batman post goes through the motions of an entire response sequence to a criminal robbery at ACE Chemicals in Gotham City.